Figure 2-1 WLI architecture
2.1.1 Commands
WLI commands are described in detail through the
wlipolicy | Manage WLI file access policies |
wlisign | Manage WLI signatures on binary executables |
wlitool | Sign ELF executable files with or without WLI installed |
wliwrap | Run commands with WLI capabilities |
wlixfr | Transfer WLI file access policies from one file to another |
wliadm | Manage WLI administrator keys |
wlicert | Manage WLI user keys and capabilities |
wlisys | Manage WLI configuration attributes |
wlisyspolicy | Manage WLI security attributes |
wlitrace | Unsupported diagnostic tool for HP support personnel only | Application API
The shared library /opt/wli/lib/libwliapi.so provides API functions for applications to add, delete, and verify access rights for WLI file access policies. For details on libwliapi functions, see libwliapi(3).
14 Product overview