1.Find the line “VG[0]=“<%SG_PKG_VOL_GRP%>”” and replace the token with the name of the VM volume group for the package. For example:


If using VxVM, comment out the LVM Volume Group line

VG[0]=”<%SG_PKG_VOL_GRP%>”. Uncomment the line “VXVM_DG[0]=” and put in the VxVM Disk Group.

2.Find the line “LV[0]=“<%SG_PKG_LOG_VOL%>”” and replace the token with the full name of the logical volume. For example:


3.Find the line “FS[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS%>”” and replace the token with the name of the filesystem created for this package. For example:


All the consolidated logs will reside on this filesystem. The specific location for the consolidated package logs and the consolidated syslogs is specified in the /etc/ syslog-ng.conf.serverfile. Using /clog as the example, the default locations based on the template /etc/syslog-ng.conf.serverfile are:

/clog/syslog/syslog.log /clog/packages/package name.log

4.Find the line “FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_MNT_OPT%>”:” and replace the token with the filesystem’s mount options. For example:

FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=-o rw,largefiles

5.Find the line “FS_TYPE[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_TYPE%>”” and replace the token with the filesystem type. For example:


6.Find the line “FS_UMOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_UMOUNT_OPT%>”” and replace the token with any filesystem umount options. The token can be removed and this option left blank if there are no special umount options. For example:


7.Find the line “FS_FSCK_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_FSCK_OPT%>”” and replace the token with any filesystem specific fsck options. The token can be deleted and this option left blank. For example:


8.Find the line “IP[0]=“<%SG_PKG_IP%>”” and replace the token with the IP address of the clog package. For example:


9.Find the line “SUBNET[0]=“<%SG_PKG_SUBNET%>”” and replace the token with the subnet for the packages IP address. Use netstat -ito help determine the subnet. For example:


You next need to distribute the package files cluster-wide. To do this, perform the following steps:

1.First, create the package directory on all the other members:

#cexec mkdir /etc/cmcluster/clog

2.Copy the package control script and package ASCII configuration file:

#ccp clog clog.conf /usr/local/cmcluster/conf/clog/

3.Update the /etc/rc.config.d/syslog-ngfile, by adding the following lines:


CLOG_PKG_LOG_VOL=logical-volume(full path)

64 Consolidated Logging