Initiating or restoring from hibernation

Hibernation cannot be initiated unless it is enabled. Hibernation is enabled by default.

To be sure that hibernation remains enabled, select Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Power Options > Hibernate tab. If hibernation is enabled, the Enable hibernation check box is selected.










Initiate hibernation.

Press the power button.

The power lights turn off.





– or –

The screen clears.


Select Start > Turn Off Computer.*







Then, hold down the shift key as you







select Hibernate.







In Windows XP Professional, if







hibernate is not displayed:








Click the down arrow.








Select Hibernate from the list.








Click OK.









Allow the system to

No action is required. A computer running

The power lights turn off.

initiate hibernation

on battery power initiates hibernation,

The screen clears.

(with hibernation

according to the following conditions:


After 30 minutes of computer














When the battery reaches a critical







low-battery condition.
















NOTE Power settings and















timeouts can be changed using















Power Options in Windows Control
























Restore from user- Press the power button.†

The power lights turn on.

initiated or system-






Your work returns to the screen.

initiated hibernation.






*If you have been registered to a network domain, the button you click is called Shut Down instead of Turn Off Computer.

†If the system has initiated hibernation because of a critical low-battery condition, connect external power or insert a charged battery before you press the power button. (The system does not respond if the discharged battery is the only power source.)


Initiating or restoring from hibernation