Adaptec Storage
■Logical drive
Note: It is worth noting that if the system is booting from the controller that this array is connected to, the lowest number array (typically array 0) is the boot device. ACU provides an option to select any array and make it the boot device. If you choose to do so, the array you choose to make the boot device will become array 0. This action may result in other array(s) being renumbered.
Cache Settings Tab
The Cache Settings tab duplicates the options presented in the advanced version of the Create Array wizard. You can choose to modify the settings for both read and write cache.
Write cache can be set to disable, enable always, or (if the controller is fitted with a battery) enable when protected.
Read cache can be enabled or disabled.
Viewing and Creating Tasks
The Tasks button has a window which contain two tabs: Task Viewer and New Task.
Task Viewer Tab
Displays details of current and scheduled tasks for the system or the selected controller, channel, array or drive.