Using the Command Line Interface

open [/readonly{=boolean}] [/domain{=string}] {string}

Opens a controller for access by the CLI. The controller must be open before any command can be targeted at that controller.


{string}—Computer name and the controller to open.


/readonly{=boolean}—Specifies whether to open the controller for read-only access. A value of TRUE opens the controller for read-only access. If opening a controller with read-only access, you can use only the commands that do not change the controller configuration.

/domain{=string}—Domain (local or a trusted domain) in which the computer that contains the controller resides. If not specified, the CLI assumes the local domain.

Switch supported on Windows XP (basic disk only), Windows 2000 (basic disk only) and Windows NT.


Resets the window.

Supported on UNIX/Linux only.


Turns on or off the <Press any key to continue> functionality.

Supported on NetWare only.
