Getting Connected 107
To delete a favorite or folder
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Favorites > Add/Delete tab.
2. Select the item you want to delete, and tap Delete.
To change the size of text on Web pages
In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Zoom, and tap the size you
To change how Web pages fill the screen
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > View.
2. Tap one of the following:
One Column. Arranges the content into one column that is as
wide as the screen. This means that you will rarely have to scroll
Default. Maintains a layout similar to what you see on a desktop
computer, but it makes items smaller and arranges the content so
that you can see most of it without having to scroll horizontally.
Desktop. Keeps the same layout and size as on a desktop
computer, which will require both horizontal and vertical scrolling.
To clear the History list
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Tools > Options > Memory
2. Tap Clear History.
To save a picture from a Web page
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap and hold the picture, and tap Save
2. Do one of the following:
To save the picture in My Pictures on your device, tap Yes.
To save the picture in another location, such as a storage card, tap
Save As.