98 Managing Your Pocket PC Phone
4. On the Options tab, select the Notes check box.
5. Tap OK.
Tip To display owner information on the Today screen, tap Start > Settings >
Personal tab > Today. On the Items tab, select the Owner Info check box.
5.7 Resetting Your Pocket PC PhoneOccasionally, you may need to reset your device. A normal (or soft) reset
of your device clears all active program memory and shuts down all
active programs. This can be useful when your device is running slower
than normal, or a program is not performing properly. A soft reset is
also necessary after the installation of some programs. If a soft reset is
performed when programs are running, unsaved work will be lost.
You can also perform a hard reset (also known as a full reset). A hard
reset should be performed only if a normal reset does not solve a system
problem. After a hard reset, the device is restored to its default settings —
the way it was when you first purchased it and turned it on. Any programs
you installed, data you entered, and settings you customized on your
device will be lost. Only Windows Mobile software and other pre-installed
programs will remain.
To perform a soft reset
• Use the stylus to press the RESET button found on the back of the
device. Your device restarts and displays the Today screen.
RESET button