Index 239
- overview 33, 215
- uninstall MIDlets/MIDlet suites 217
MMS 137
- add audio clip 141
- add emoticon 141
- add photo/video 139
- add text 141
- add Web page address from
Favorites 141
- create and send 139
- MMS settings 137
- reply message 142
- view message 142
MMS Video capture mode 175, 179
MSN Messenger 142
Mute 61
NNotes 33, 47, 151
Notes search 47
Now Playing screen (Windows Media
Player Mobile) 195
OOpera Browser
- Open 108
- Overview 33, 108
- Use 108
Outlook e-mail 128
Owner information 97
PPanorama capture mode 175
Password 96
Personal and system settings 83
Phone 33, 50, 51
Phone network settings 88
Phone services 88
Phone settings 87
Pictures & Videos
- assign pictures to contacts 192
- delete 191
- edit picture 191
- file formats 188
- overview 33
- play GIF animation 189
- play videos 189
- sort 190
- view pictures 189
- view slideshows 190
Picture Theme capture mode 175
PIN 50, 96
Playback screen (Windows Media
Player Mobile) 195
Playlists 198
Play GIF animation 189
Play media 197
Play videos 189
Pocket MSN 33
POP3 129
PowerPoint Mobile 33, 211
- ActiveSync 32
- Adobe Reader 32
- Audio Manager 32
- Bluetooth Explorer 32
- Calculator 32
- Calendar 32, 144
- Camera 32, 174
- Comm Manager 37, 110
- Contacts 32, 145
- Download Agent 32