236 Index
AA2DP 114
About licenses and protected media
- Comm Manager 110
- copy files 91
- install and set up 66
- overview 32
- synchronize 70
Add and remove programs 89
Add attachment to message 132
Adobe Reader 32, 212
Alarm 82
Answer/end a call 54
Appointment search 47
Assign pictures to contacts 192
Assign programs or shortcuts to
hardware buttons 85
Attachments 132
Audio Manager
- Library 200
- Music Player 202
- Open 200
- Playlists 203
- Set music as ring tone 205
BBacklight 87
Back up data 93
- battery information 23
- charge battery 24
- check battery power 24
- save battery power 86, 122
- via Bluetooth 115
Block Recognizer 44
- Bluetooth Explorer 32, 117
- Bluetooth file sharing 117
- Bluetooth modem 120
- Bluetooth shared folder 117
- hands-free headset 114
- modes 111
- overview 111
- partnership (pairing) 112
- SIM Access Profile (SAP) 62
- stereo headset 114
- synchronize 75
- turn on and off 110
- visible 111, 112
Bluetooth Explorer 32
Burst capture mode 175
Button controls and LEDs 234
CCalculator 32
Calendar 32, 144
Calendar search 47
Calibration 26
- capture modes 174, 175
- controls 175
- file formats 175
- icons 175
- overview 32
- settings 183
- specifications 233
Car kit phones 62