T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 115 September 8, 2008
4When ready, select OK to submit your rating.

Write a comment

Once you’ve rated a downloaded item, you can post a comment:
1From the Android Market Home screen, press MENU and select My downloads.
2Select the item you want to comment on to open its details screen.
3Select the Post a comment section to open the Post comment dialog box. If you don’t see the
Post a comment section, first rate the item.
4Type your comment, then select OK to post it.

Remove rating and/or comment

Once you’ve rated or commented on an item, you can always remove this review:
1From the Android Market Home screen, press MENU and select My downloads.
2Select the item to open its details screen.
3Press MENU and select More > Clear my review.
4Your rating and comments are removed.

Flag content

If an item you are browsing or have downloaded from Android Market is objectionable in any way,
you can “flag” it and send a message to Android Market for investigation:
1Select the item from the Market Home screen, or from My downloads (if you have installed it
already). Select the item to open the Item details screen.
2Press MENU and select More > Flag content.
3You will be asked to select a category that describes your objection. Select the category, then
select Submit. If you select Harmful to phone or data or Other objection, you will be able to
type your more details in a dialog box.
Market shortcuts
My downloads MENU + d
Go to Android Market home page MENU + ENTER