
Memory Management

You can free up memory to help your phone run faster
by closing programs that are not in use. To end running
1. From the Home screen, scroll to the Settings panel.
2. Scroll right or left and select Task Manager.
3. Scroll to the program(s) you want to close and select
End Task.
4. When nished, select Menu.
5. Select Exit.

Battery Life

Battery performance depends on many factors including
features and settings you select and use. You can adjust
several settings on your phone to help extend battery
life. Following are four tips to extend battery life:
n Adjust your backlight brightness and
timeout settings to a shorter time.
n Close applications you are no longer using
with the Task Manager (see page 24).
n Change how frequently new e-mail
is sent to your phone.
n Turn off Bluetooth® when not in use.