Edit myFaves
Names and icons: You can change names and icons at any
Phone numbers: You can only change a contact’s phone
number once per calendar month. If a number change is not
allowed, you will receive an error message explaining why.
1. From the Home screen, scroll to the myFaves panel.
2. Scroll to and select the contact.
3. Select Options.
4. Select Edit Prole.
5. Edit the contact’s name, number, icon, ringtone,
birthday, or anniversary. For more information on
how to assign icons and ringtones, see instructions in
the Add myFaves contacts section of this guide.
Replace myFaves contacts
1. From the Home screen, scroll to the myFaves panel.
2. Scroll to and select the contact.
3. Select Options.
4. Select Replace Contact.
5. Select one of the following:
n Create New: Enter the contact’s name. Scroll
down and enter the contact’s phone number.
n Get from Phone Book: Scroll to
and select the contact.
6. Select Save when done.