Managing Your Device 129

12.5 Windows Update

You can update Windows Mobile® on your device with security patches or fixes, if they are available.

To set up Windows Update

The first time you run Windows Update, you need to set up how you want Windows Update to check for
patches on the Microsoft Web site.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Systems tab > Windows Update.
2. On the Update Setup screen, tap Next.
3. Select how you want to check for updates, Manual or Automatic, then tap Next.
Note If you select Automatic, you will be asked if you want to use your current data plan to check for updates. Select
or clear the Use my data plan to check for and download updates check box and tap Next.
4. Tap Finish.

To check for updates

1. Tap Start > Settings > Systems tab > Windows Update.
2. Tap Check Now.
Note Windows Mobile® updates may not be available at all times. You can check the Windows Mobile® Web site for
update information.

To change Windows Update options

1. Tap Start > Settings > Systems tab > Windows Update.
2. Tap Menu and select the option you want to change.
Tap Connections to change how the device connects to the Internet when checking for updates.
Tap Change Schedule to change how Windows Update checks for Windows Mobile® updates.