Product Installation
Interface/Button |
| is used to… |
USB (on the top of |
| connect the USB device. |
the HG552a1) |
2.4System Requirements
Make sure that the following requirements are met before using the HG552a1.
Operating System Requirements
The operating system (OS) requirements are as follows:
zWindows 98
zWindows Me
zMicrosoft NT4
zWindows 2000
zWindows XP
zWindows Vista
PC Hardware Configuration
The requirements for the hardware configuration of the device are as follows:
zMemory: greater than 64 MB
zRemaining space of disk C: greater than 128 MB
Web Browser
Internet Explorer 6.0 or later versions, including FireFox 2.0
3Product Installation
3.1Connecting the Cables
Before connecting the cables, power off all equipment connected to it including the HG552a1, the PC, and the switch.