3. Selecting Sensitivity
Factory Setting: +0
The Platinum ID automatically adjusts to the
proper amount of sensitivity for conditions (ie
depth). You can bias the setting + or 5 levels
to suit your personal taste. Increasing the
sensitivity adjustment can cause the display of
very small targets and thermoclines which
might not be displayed at the +0 setting.
If you want to manually adjust Sensitivity,
select SENS and press the Up or Down arrow
button to adjust the display.
4. Enabling Bottom Alarm
Factory Setting: OFF
The Bottom Alarm lets you specify the
minimum depth you want to maintain. To use
it, select BOTTOM ALARM; then press the
ON-OFF button to activate the alarm, and the
Up or Down arrow button to adjust the depth at
which the alarm will sound. A dashed line
appears at the alarm depth when the function
is on.
When Bottom Alarm is on, you’ll hear a
continuous chirping sound when the bottom is
shallower than you defined. This is very handy
for alerting you to shallow water or helping you
to maintain position over structure.