Mounting the Portable Transducer
Onceyour Portablefishfinderis fully assembled(seethe PortableCaseAssembly section for more information), it takes just a few easy steps beforeyou are ready to fish:
•Test the transducer prior to installation
•Mount the portable transduceron the boat
1.Testing the Transducer Prior to Installation
Prior to installation, test the transducer to make sure that no damage occurred during shipping.
1.Hold the transducer in the water over the side of the boat to confirm proper operation. If the transducer is working properly,you should be able to see the bottom on the control head display.
2.Mounting the Portable Transducer on the Boat
Perform the procedures in this section to install the transduceron your boat.NOTE: The suction cup mount is designed for quick, easy installationand removal, NOT for high speed operation.If you intend to operateyour boat at any speed faster than trolling speeds, remove the suction cup transducerfrom the water.
It is important that the mounting positionallows the transducerto rest beneath the surface of the water, pointing straight down. You can mount the transducer anywhere on the side of theboatif yourboatremainsstationary.If youaretrolling, it is best to mount the transducer on the transom of the boat.
Your portable transducer is designedto be installed and adjusted without the use of tools.Mounting the transducer to the boat is a simpleyet importantoperation. A poor mountinglocation will affectthe overall performanceof the Humminbird® unit,so followthemountinginstructionscarefully.It is importantthatthemounting position allows the transducer to rest beneath the surfaceof the water,pointing straight down. Youcan mount the transducer anywhereon the side of the boat if your boat remainsstationary.
NOTE:If you are trolling,it is best to mountthe transduceron the transomof the boat.