The PiranhaMAX™150 and PiranhaMAX™190c use a 200 kHz single beam sonar system with a 20° area of coverage. Boat speed, wave action, bottom hardness, water conditions and transducer installation can all affect depth capability.
Dual Beam SonarThe PiranhaMAX™160 uses a 200/83 kHz dual beam sonar system with a wide (60°) area of coverage. Dual Beam sonar is optimized to show the greatest bottom definition using a narrow (20°) beam yet can still indicate fish found in the wide (60°) beam when the Fish ID+TM feature is turned on. Dual Beam is ideal for a wide range of conditions - from shallow to very deep water in both fresh and salt water. Boat speed, wave action, bottom hardness, water conditions and transducer installation can all affect depth capability.