Save, Create, or Delete a Waypoint

Save your Current Position as a Waypoint:On any view, press the MARK key to save the current position of the boat as a waypoint.

Save the Cursor Position as a Waypoint:On the Chart or Combo View, use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor to the position you want to save as a waypoint. Then press the MARK key to save the position as a waypoint.

Save a Position from the Sonar History:On any Sonar View, Side Imaging® View, or Down Imaging® View,use the 4-WAYCursor Control key to move the cursor to a feature in the sonar history. Press the MARK key to create a waypoint at the location where that sonar reading was taken. The new waypoint will also record the depth at that location.

NOTE: When you save a waypoint by any of these methods, a numerical waypoint name is automatically assigned. You can edit the waypoint information later to give it a different name and select an icon to represent it (see Edit your Waypoints, Routes, Tracks, and Groups).

Create a New Waypoint: To create a waypoint that is NOT your current position, open the Waypoint Management dialog box. Select Options > New > New Waypoint. Use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to set the available fields. See Edit your Waypoints, Routes, Tracks, and Groups for details.

Delete a Waypoint: Open the Waypoint Management dialog box. Select a Waypoint, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to open the Waypoint submenu. Select Delete, and press the RIGHT Cursor key. To remove the Waypoint from the group, choose Selected. To delete the waypoint from all groups, choose All


Introduction to Navigation