4-WAY Cursor Control Key(LEFT, RIGHT, UP, or DOWN Cursor keys)

The 4-WAY Cursor Control key has multiple functions, which depend on the view, menu, or situation.

Menu Selection: Press the DOWN or UP Cursor keys to highlight a menu option, then press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to change a menu setting. The changes will be activated and saved immediately.

Freeze Frame: In Sonar View, Side Imaging® View, and Down Imaging® View, press any arrow on the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to freeze the display and move the active cursor to a location on the screen. A cursor dialog box will display to show the depth of the location you choose.

Active Cursor: Press any arrow on the 4-WAY Cursor Control key, and the active cursor will appear on the screen.

Chart View: The 4-WAY Cursor Control key also pans the charts and highlights decluttered waypoint icons.

NOTE: In Freeze Frame or Active Cursor mode, you can also make the cursor move diagonally by pressing in between two of the arrows on the 4-WAY Cursor Control key.

Bird’s Eye View: The 4-WAY Cursor Control key controls the motion of the eye point.

Snapshot and Recording View: Press the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to highlight a recording icon, and then press the RIGHT Cursor key to start recording playback. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to control the speed of playback.

Circular Flasher View (Ice Fishing Mode: On): Press the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to move the Depth Cursor. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to adjust the Zoom Range (see Views: Circular Flasher View).


Key Functions