Current Track

Settings: Save, Clear, Appearance, Stop


Current Track allows you to view the Current Track submenu. See Introduction to Navigation: Tracks for more information.

The Current Track Submenu contains the following menu options:Save allows you to save the current track.Clear allows you to delete the current track.

Appearance allows you to change the style and color of the current track. (Breadcrumb Trail, Dashed Line, Solid Line or Wide Line, and if a line, the color of the line, or Color By Depth).

If you choose Color By Depth, you cannot choose one color to represent the track. A color range will represent the different depths on the track instead, from light green (shallowest) to black (deepest). You can change the depth range associated with black by using the Track Color Range menu setting (see Navigation Menu Tab: Track Color Range).

If you choose Hidden, the unit continues to save trackpoints, but the track will not be displayed on the view.

Stop Tracking clears the current track and the unit will not save trackpoints. To resume saving the track, select Current Track > Start Tracking.

NOTE: To save the depth information with the Current Track, it is important to save the track and also edit the name before powering off the control head.


Navigation Menu Tab