The unit remembers Fish ID setting when powered off.

Numeral Size

Numeral Size is the next Option menu. Two options are available: “Big” and “Small”. The factory setting is Big. With this setting, the digital depth and speed and temp numerals are drawn large enough to be readable from across the boat. The big numerals occupy space on the display which could be used for the graphics area. Hence, the small numerals option. With small numerals selected, a greater amount of the display area is available for the graphic view. This effectively increases the display resolution of the unit. Sonar targets which are very close together can often be displayed as separate targets, through the distance from which the numerals are readable is somewhat less.

Use the UP and DOWN ARROW buttons to highlight the desired selection, then press MENU to advance to the next menu.

Numeral Size settings are remembered when powered off.


The transducer option controls how the Wide 2000 determines which transducer is connected to the unit.

The Wide 2000 can identify and operate with several different transducers. At power up, the Wide 2000 will first identify if a transducer is connected. If none is detected, the unit will default to simulator mode. If the standard Tribeam Transducer is detected, the unit will begin normal “down” operation. If a transducer other than a Tribeam is detected. The Wide 2000 will assume this is a Wide Side transducer (see Using Alternative Transducers) and begin operation in Wide Side mode.

The Transducer Option menu has four settings: Auto, Tri-Beam, Side< and Dual. The factory setting is Auto, in which case the Wide 2000 uses the transducer detection capability to choose the transducer, as described. To override this capability, select the setting that corresponds to the transducer that is physically attached to the unit. Using this option to choose a transducer manually forces the Wide 2000 to use the screen display appropriate to the specified transducer, regardless of what kind of transducer it detects.

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Humminbird Wide 2000 manual