NOTE: Engine may already contain some residual oil. Check frequently when filling the crankcase. DO NOT overfill.
The snow thrower was shipped with a container of 5W30 motor oil. This oil must be added to the engine before operating.
OIl Fill Cap/Dipstick
Figure 2
NOTE: Oil level must be at FULL mark.
1.Make sure the unit is level.
2.Remove the oil fill cap/dipstick and fill the crankcase to “FULL” line on dipstick. DO NOT overfill.
3.Pour the oil slowly into the engine oil fill. DO NOT overfill. After adding oil, wait one minute and then recheck the oil level.
4.Tighten the oil fill cap/dipstick securely each time you check the oil level.
NOTE: Synthetic oil can assist with starting in extreme cold temperatures. Synthetic 5W30 is acceptable for all temperatures. Do NOT mix oil with unleaded gasoline.
This engine is certified to operate on gasoline or petrol. The emissions control system for this engine is EM (Engine Modifications).
WARNING: Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or those using ethanol or methanol)
can attract moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage.
NOTE: To avoid engine problems, the fuel system must be emptied before storage for 30 days or longer. Start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. See the Storage section in this manual for additional information.
Fill the fuel tank only with fresh, clean, unleaded regular, unleaded premium, or reformulated automotive fuel with
DPLQLPXPRIRFWDQH'2127XVHOHDGHGJDVROLQH or petrol. Make sure that the container you pour the fuel is free from rust or foreign particles. Never use fuel that may be stale from long periods of storage in the container.
1.Stop the engine. Before you remove fuel cap, let the engine cool at least 2 minutes.
2.Remove the fuel cap. Fill the fuel tank to
DSSUR[LPDWHO\LQFKHVPPEHORZ top of neck to allow for fuel expansion. Be careful not to overfill.
3.Replace the fuel cap before starting the engine.
WARNING: Gasoline and petrol and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. Fire or
explosion can cause severe burns or death.
.HHSJDVROLQHDZD\IURPVSDUNVRSHQIODPHVSLORW lights, head, and other ignition sources.
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