Mount the saw carriage and saw
The saw carriage is mounted on the rail at delivery. The carriage can be dismounted from the rail by removing the end stop on the rail and pulling the carriage away.
1Fit the saw body in the saw carriage by lifting the saw body into position. When the saw is lifted into position, the locking handle moves up into an intermediate position. In this position the saw remains in the saw carriage without it needing to be held. However, it is not sufficiently secured to begin cutting.
For vertical cuts, the rail must be mounted with the saw carriage lock handle upwards. This to facilitate fitting the saw unit.
2To secure the saw, lift the locking handle towards the saw until the handle locks.
WARNING! To cut without the saw securely
!assembled in the saw carriage and rail is associated with mortal danger.
Fit the blade
WARNING! Never mount or dismount the
!blade or blade guard without first switching off the hydraulic unit and disconnecting the hydraulic hoses running to the saw unit.
Carelessness can result in serious personal injury or even death.
On the Husqvarna WS
1Start by removing any dirt from the contact surfaces on the blade flange and blade.
2Check the blade’s direction of rotation. The blade should rotate anticlockwise seen from the saw side and the released part of the diamond should lie in the blade’s direction of rotation.
3Since the blade rotation direction can be selected, the water spray from the blade can also be selected regardless of how the saw is turned on the rail.
Screw together the outer blade flange, blade and blade flange hub (tightening torque
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