The temperature control is fact ory set for nor mal dipping temper atures. If, after a week
or so of operation, it is decided that a higher or lower tem perature is required, only a
qualified refrigeration mechanic should adjust the control. Other than the initial
adjustment and possibly a seasonal adjustment, no other setting should be required. If
the cabinet temperature fluctuates to any great extent, a refrigeration mech anic should
be notified. Employees should not be allowed to tamper within the control setting.
A fully loaded cabinet will use less energy and maintain generally m ore even
temperatures than one that is only partially full. However, care should be taken not to
exceed the load line limits as noted on the interior cabinet walls through the use of wire
racks, stepshelving, or by stacking containers three high.
Much of the success of hand dip ping and appeal of the stored ice cream to the customer
depends on the training of personnel in proper dipping methods. Periodic scraping of
the container sidewalls and leveling off of the ice cream is essential to avoid discoloration
and drying out of the ice cream. Scraping the container sidewalls and leveling off the ice
cream should be done lightly with the use of a spade. Start with the back of the spade
turned towards the side of the can, working from the to p of the can do wn. Once the
walls are cle ared, the top port ion of the rem aining ice cream should be leveled off, filling
in holes left by previous dipping.
Proper maintenance of refrigeration equipment can have a dramatic effect on the
equipment’s ability to perform, as well as power consumption and customer reaction to
your dipping operation.
Hussmann equipment is designed so that a minimum amount of maintenance is
necessary. The relatively few items that do require attention should be scheduled for
specific time periods based on prevailing store conditions and cabinet usage.