Changing the battery
1. Press the catch and at the same time pull out the battery tray.
2. Insert the 1 x lithium battery, type CR 2025 3V battery with the stamped (+) mark
facing upward. Insert the battery tray into the remote control.
 Store the battery where children cannot reach. If a child accidentally swallows the battery, consult a
docto r immediate ly.
 Do not recharge, short, disassemble or heat the battery or dispose it in a fire.
 Do not expo se o r br ing int o c ont act th e bat ter y wit h ot her meta llic mat erials . Do ing t his may cau se t he
battery to give off heat, crack or start a fire.
 When throwing away o r saving t he batt ery, w rap it in tape and insu late; ot herwise, the bat tery may give
off heat, crack or start a fire.