Before operation it needs to pair the mobile phone and receiver.
Prepare your mobile phone for bluetooth connection.
According to mobile manual pairing device, when searching new device (KBT), select it, put in pass code
"8888" and confirm ok, device paring finished. Operate mobile connect to Bluetooth, after connecting
Bluetooth, Blue tooth indicat ing LE D will be on.
Note: Make sure to keep the other Bluetooth device within 2 meters from this unit when making the pairing.
Basic Telephone Operation
Answer a call: Short press Accept Call button” ” to answer a call.
Reject a call: Short press Reject Call button ” ” to reject a call.
Hang up: Short press Reject Call button ” ” to hang up during dialing or talking.
Short press Accept Call button ”, LCD will blink with “_”, press digit buttons to input phone number,
(Press SEL button on panel or LEFT cursor button on the RC to delete a wrong number), then press Accept Call
button ” ” to dial the number.
Call list/number redial
Short pr ess Acc ept c all bu tt on o nc e, the LCD scr een w ill blink wit h “_” first , pre ss it ag ain t o d ispla y the last
number, then press T-UP/ T-DN bu tto n to disp lay all incoming and out going numbers o ne by one. Pre ss SEL
button on panel or LEFT cursor button on the RC to delete a wrong number (max. 12).
Note: While scrolling the numbers you can press Accept Call button ” ” to r edial any fr om the list. T he
function ality may be limit e d due to some pho nes' own dedicat e d interfa cing specific ation.
Phone book (Max store 250 numbers)
Press Accept Call button “ ” once, the LCD screen will blink with “_” first, press digit 1, then press Accept
Call button “ ” t o show t he English letter A, press T-UP/T-DN butto n to display all the letters A-Z (represent
the first letter of the call card name) and “*” (represent the first letter other than A-Z) one by one, then press
Accept call button “ ” to co nfir m, LC D w ill sho w t h e na me w it h t his le t te r as t h e fir st let t e r if e xist e d ( if t he