Dear Customer,
Mark Twain once said th at on ly tw o thin gs in life ar e ce rtain : deat h and taxes .
Well, if he were living today, we’ re sure he’d add manuals to this lis t. Just about
everything you buy is accompanied by a manu al—and your new QMS printer is
no exception. Now, we know that even though we’ve devoted our lives to writing
manuals, very few people actually enjoy reading them. So we’ve written this
manual with you in mind. However, there are more of you out there than there are
printers, and you a ll nee d somet hing d ifferen t. Beca use of t his, w e’ve t ried to
design your manual to help you reach your des t in ati on as ea si l y as poss i bl e:
Table of Contents—Use this section as a road map t o discover what th ere is to
see in the manual and how the sections are related.
Overview of the Doc um en ta ti on —This section functions as a Welcome Cen ter.
It’ll give you an idea abo ut w hat ’s in th is ci ty (y our u se r’s gui de ) a s well as in
other nearby cit ies (other usefu l documentation).
Overview of the Manual—As long as you’re at the Welcome Center, you
probably want a list of local attractions. This section let s you know which chapt ers
you really shou ldn’t miss and wh ich you need to v isit only if you have the time
and interest, or a s pecial purpose. It’s pretty much th e same information as in the
table of content s, but in a desc riptive format.
Headers, Footers, and Tab Dividers—Use these featu res as road signs to help
you locate the s ection of the m anual you want t o visit.
Index—While some people like to w ander through a cit y, st opping whereve r t hey
find something i n te resting, others like to call ah e ad to make a rese rv at ion for a
specific hotel or restaura nt. Our Blue Pa ges speed you to the infor mation you want
quickly and without unnecessary detours. Easy on, easy off . We thin k you’ll fin d
the blue color especially useful when you have more tha n one ma nual in the binder.
We hope you enjoy your new QMS printer (and traveling through its manuals,
Your QMS Technical Writer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500