8.DOS and Windows Users:

If Automatic Setup & Test reports that all tests passed except for COM Port and COM IRQ test (where all values failed) then try the following:

-Disable the external MIDI port as in item 3 above. Specify 0x0 as the MIDI Base I/O address.

-Re-run the Automatic Setup & Test.

-If all tests pass then you had an insufficient number of unused or free IRQ's. Your options are to either continue to use your Multimedia Modem Plus board with external MIDI disabled or to free up an IRQ used by another device in your system by disabling an unused serial COM port or parallel port. Unused serial or parallel ports can be disabled by using either BIOS setup (for built-in serial and parallel ports) or disabling a port on a communication or multi-function card.

If you have a CD-ROM drive installed on your system, have installed the Multimedia Modem Plus, and are now getting error messages when you power up your computer saying that the CD-ROM device is not found, view the CONFIG.SYS and look for the location of the following statement:


Make sure this statement appears above the CD-ROM driver statements in CONFIG.SYS. If it does not, use an editor to move the line above the CD-ROM driver statements. After editing, reboot your system.

If the system still does not recognize your CD-ROM drive, run CONFIG and make sure the CD-ROM settings are correct. (See the "Configuring Your Multimedia Modem Plus for Windows" for more information. THE CD-ROM SETTINGS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY SELECTED DURING AUTOMATIC CONFIGURATION AND TEST; THEY MUST BE SET BY THE USER USING THE SETUP OPTION.

If CONFIG.EXE appears to hang your system during testing of the DSP DMA channel or the SB DMA channel perform the following steps:

-Reboot your system and run the CONFIG.EXE program again.

-Choose the Automatic Setup and Test option

-During this second run, the CONFIG program will avoid choosing a DMA channel which conflicts with another device on your system. This DMA conflict may have caused the system to hang the previous time the CONFIG.EXE program was run.

If Windows hangs during initialization, the DMA channel set in CONFIG is incorrect. To correct, reboot the machine, but do not restart Windows.

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