Alphabetical Listing ofCommands

Appendix E

ACGAIN [n] AC Gain control
Sets the gain of the signal channel amplifier. Values of n from 0 to 9 can be entered
corresponding to the range 0 dB to 90 dB in 10 dB steps.
ADC[.] n Read auxiliary analog to digital inputs
Reads the voltage appearing at the rear panel ADC1 (n = 1) and ADC2 (n = 2)
In fixed point mode the response is an integer in the range -12000 to +12000,
corresponding to voltages from -12.000 V to +12.000 V.
In floating point mode it is in volts.
ADF Default setting command
This command will automatically set all the instrument controls and displays to the
factory set default values. However, if the command is used when the interface
parameters are at values other than their default settings, then communication will be
AQN Auto-Phase (auto-quadrature null)
The instrument adjusts the reference phase to maximize the X output and minimize
the Y output signals.
AS Perform an Auto-Sensitivity operation
The instrument adjusts its full-scale sensitivity so that the X output lies between 30 %
and 90 % of full-scale.
ASM Perform an Auto-Measure operation
The instrument adjusts its full-scale sensitivity so that the magnitude output lies
between 30 % and 90 % of full-scale, and then performs an Auto-Phase operation to
maximize the X output and minimize the Y output
AUTOMATIC [n] AC Gain automatic control
The value of n sets the status of the AC Gain control according to the following table:
n Status
0 AC Gain is under manual control, either using the front panel or the ACGAIN
1 Automatic AC Gain control is activated, with the gain being adjusted
according to the full-scale sensitivity setting