FSTEP[.] [n1 n2] Oscillator frequency sweep step size and type
The frequency may be swept either linearly or logarithmically, as specified by
parameter n2. The step size is specified by parameter n1.
Log sweep n2 = 0
In fixed point mode, n1 is the step size in thousandths of a percent.
In floating point mode n1 is in percent. The range of n1 is 0 to 100.00 %
Linear sweep n2 = 1
In fixed point mode, n1 is the step size in millihertz.
In floating point mode n1 is in hertz. The range of n1 is 0 to 10 kHz
SRATE[.] [n] Oscillator frequency sweep step rate
Sets the sweep rate in time per step in the range 50 ms to 1000 s, in 5 ms increments.
SWEEP [n] Oscillator frequency sweep start/stop
Starts/stops the internal oscillator frequency sweep depending on the value of n
according to the following table:
n Frequency sweep status
0 Stop/Pause
1 Run
When a frequency sweep has been defined, applying SWEEP 1 will start it. The
sweep will continue until the stop frequency is reached. If, during the sweep,
SWEEP 0 is applied, the sweep will stop at the current frequency. If SWEEP 1 is
then applied, the sweep will restart from this point. Once the sweep reaches the stop
frequency and stops, the next SWEEP 1 command will reset the frequency to the start
frequency and restart the sweep.
6.4.07 Auxiliary OutputsDAC[.] n1 [n2] Auxiliary DAC output controls
Sets the voltage appearing at the rear panel DAC1 and DAC2 outputs.
The first parameter n1, which specifies the DAC, is compulsory and is either 1 or 2.
The value of n2 specifies the voltage to be output.
In fixed point mode it is an integer in the range -12000 to +12000, corresponding to
voltages from -12.000 V to +12.000 V.
In floating point mode it is in volts.