Reference Phase
This control allows the reference phase to be adjusted over the range -360° to + 360°
in 10m° steps, although readers will appreciate that a setting of -180° is equivalent to
+180°, and that ±360° is equivalent to 0°.
The Auto-Phase function also affects the value displayed here.
Figure 5-26, Reference Phase Control
5.5 Main Display Mode - Right-hand LCDThe right-hand display, in Main Display Mode, is used to display two out of the
possible fourteen instrument outputs. In addition, it is used to set the levels of the X
and Y output offsets.
The panel is divided vertically into two halves, with the output description on the
upper line and the output value on the lower line. Selection of the required output type
is made using the upper SELECT keys on each side of the right-hand display. Each
press of the key advances the display to the next output choice, with the display
“wrapping” so that repeated presses cycle through those available. Note that it is not
possible to set both displayed outputs to the same type, i.e. both sides of the display
cannot, for example, be set to “X%”.
The fourteen possible outputs and two controls are now discussed in sequence. Note
that in the following figures the horizontal lines below the heading “Right-hand LCD”
depict the vertical limits of the display to indicate how information is shown. The user
may choose to display this information in either the left or the right half of the display
so no horizontal limits are depicted (see figure 4-9).