MP command (report Magnitude and Phase). Hence it is necessary for the controlling
program to be able to determine when all of the first value has been sent. The
delimiter is a separator character sent between each response which may be used for
this purpose. The control allows any ASCII character with decimal value between 32
and 125, or 13, to be used.
5.2.08 RS232 Setup 3 MenuFigure 5-9, RS232 Setup 3 Menu
The third setup menu with controls affecting the RS232 interface is shown in
figure 5-9.
This control sets the RS232 address which is used when daisy-chaining other
compatible instruments. Each instrument used in the chain must be set to a unique
address in the range 0 to 15. All instruments receive commands, but only the
currently addressed instrument will implement or respond to the commands, except,
of course, the command to change the instrument to be addressed.
Information only
The right-hand LCD displays the version level of the instrument’s internal firmware.
Please be prepared to give this number when contacting EG&G Instruments with a
technical query.