DSP-Related Symptoms

Symptom / Error FRU / Action in Sequence
In OS/2, DOS, or Windows
multimedia programs, no
sound comes from the
computer. (Only system
beeps are heard at
1. Reseat the DSP card.
2. Go to “DSP Card
Checkout” on
page 346 and check
the DSP card.
3. Check that the device
driver is installed
In OS/2, DOS, or Windows,
the modem does not work. 1. Check that the DSP
Modem is active.

OS/2 and Windows:

Click the DSP Modem
icon in the ThinkPad
Feature program.


ON command.
2. Reseat the DAA

ESS-Related Symptoms

Symptom / Error FRU / Action in Sequence
In OS/2, DOS, or Windows
multimedia programs, no
sound comes from the
computer. (Only system
beeps are heard at
1. Reseat the audio
(ESS) card.
2. Go to “Audio (ESS)
Card Checkout” on
page 346 and check
the audio (ESS) card.
3. Check that the device
driver is installed

Peripheral-Device-Related Symptoms

Symptom / Error FRU / Action in Sequence
External display does not
work correctly. 1. See “External Display
Self-Test” in
“Common Devices
Checkout” section.
Printer problems. 1. Run printer self-test.
2. Parallel port device
3. Cable
4. System board
Serial or parallel port device
problems. 1. Device
2. Device cable
3. System board

ThinkPad 760 (9546, 9547) 369