FRU Removals and Replacements
This section contains information on removals and
replacements, and locations.
The arrows in the removals and replacements show
the direction of movement to remove a field
replaceable unit (FRU), or to turn a screw to release
the FRU. The arrows are marked in numeric order to
show the correct sequence of removal.
When other FRUs must be removed before removing
the failing FRU, they are listed at the top of the page.
Go to the removal procedure for each FRU listed,
remove the FRU, and then continue with the removal
of the failing FRU.
To replace a FRU, reverse the removal procedure
and follow any notes that pertain to replacement.
See “Locations” on page 583 for internal cable
connections and arrangement information.
Safety Notice 8: Translation on page 14
Before removing any FRU, power-off the ThinkPad
Dock I and computer, unplug all power cords from
electrical outlets, remove the battery pack, and then
disconnect any interconnecting cables.
Warning: The main board, adapters, and circuit boards
on the drives are sensitive to, and can be damaged by,
electrostatic discharge. Establish personal grounding by
touching a ground point with one hand before touching
these units.
Note: An electrostatic discharge (ESD) strap must be
used to establish personal grounding.
574 IBM Mobile Systems - ThinkPad HMM Volume 3