vParity checking on the small computer system interface (SCSI) bus and PCI buses
vPower management: Compliance with Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)
vPredictive Failure Analysis® (PFA) alerts
vRedundant Ethernet capabilities with failover support
vRemind button to temporarily turn off the
vRemote system
vStandby voltage for
vStartup (boot) from LAN through remote initial program load (RIPL) or dynamic host configuration protocol/boot protocol (DHCP/BOOTP)
vSystem error logging (POST and service processor)
vUpgradeable POST, BIOS, diagnostics, service processor microcode, and
vVital product data (VPD) on microprocessors, system board, power supplies, SCSI
vWake on LAN capability
IBM Director
With IBM Director, a network administrator can:
vView the hardware configuration of remote systems, in detail
vMonitor the usage and performance of critical components, such as microprocessors, disks, and memory
vCentrally manage individual or large groups of IBM and
IBM Director provides a comprehensive
vSupport for IBM and
vSupport for
vIntegration into leading workgroup and enterprise
vEase of use, training, and setup.
IBM Director also provides an extensible platform that supports advanced server tools that are designed to reduce the total cost of managing and supporting networked systems. By deploying IBM Director, you can achieve reductions in ownership costs through: