Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 54 M/02-212
IX. Guarantee
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories guarantees the faultless functioning of this instrument insofar as it
is Brookfield Viscometers Ltd guarantees the faultless functioning of this instrument as far as it is used,
maintained, connected and handled in accordance with this Operation Manual.
The guarantee period is 1 year from the date of delivery.
Place of the guarantee fulfillment is Brookfield Viscometers Ltd, Harlow, U.K.
All claims of the Customer concerning guarantee and damages forfeited if he has improperly handled,
worked on, opened or changed the delivery goods or gave it to a third party without our prior approval.
The total liability of Brookfield Viscometers Ltd and your exclusive claim is on Brookfield’s choice
(a) the refund of the price paid
in repair or replacement
of the instrument, when the instrument does not meet the requirements stated in the limited guarantee
of Brookfield Viscometers Ltd. This instrument should then be returned with a copy of receipt-formular to
Brookfield Viscometers Ltd, Harlow, U.K.
This limited guarantee is not valid if instrument’s failure is result of accident, misuse or incorrect
application. For a replacement delivery Brookfield gives guarantee only for the rest of the original
guarantee period or for 30 days, the more long time period is decisive.
Brookfield Viscometers Ltd suspends any further guarantee concerning the instrument and related
manuals and written materials.
Neither Brookfield Viscometers Ltd nor the Suppliers of Brookfield are responsible for any damages
(lost profit, production interruption, losses of trade information or data or any other financial losses) that
arise due to usage of this Brookfield product or from the inability of use of this Brookfield product, even
when Brookfield Viscometers Ltd was informed of possibility of such damages.
In any case the liability of Brookfield Viscometers Ltd is limited to the amount which was paid for this
product. This exception is not valid for damages which were caused due to intention or negligence from
the side of Brookfield. Also the claims remain valid that are based on the laws concerning products
quality responsibility.
Furthermore the guarantee conditions of “General Delivery Conditions of supply and delivery for
products and services of the Electric Industry” are valid.