Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 19 M/02-212
Check that any liquid does not penetrate into the housing (e.g. through the
instrument connecting plugs) and into the bearings of the measuring drive. It
results in the instrument damage!
IV.4 Maintenance
The R/S Rheometer is designed for long-term operation.
Nevertheless we recommend a regular maintenance in one-year cycle by a service engineer of
BROOKFIELD or of corresponding representation.
Works on control electronics, all accessories, measuring drive as well as
with the AC-adaptor and all electric circuits and connections may only be
carried out by authorized service personnel trained by us.
Check of the measurements’ accuracy by the customer is possible any time. We recommend the
measurement with the standard oils (normal oils).
Type: standard oil 2000 A, viscosity approx. 1.9 Pas
The measurement is carried out preferably with the temperature control device “FTK-CC” with
measuring system CC25 DIN with Pt100 built-in in the bottom of the measuring cup.
The standard oil is thermostatted for at least 20 minutes at 20°C ± 0.05°C.
Select the appropriate measuring system.
Carry out measurements at the following preset values of shear rates:
10 s-1, 25 s-1, 50 s-1 and 100 s-1.
Print viscosities or read off viscosities from display.
In case of the instrument failure (or severe deviation from the preset value), please, apply to the service
department of BROOKFIELD.