10 EIA Unit I/O Drawer Rear View
1. PCI adapter slots (1 - 7)
2. PCI adapter slot 8, service processor card and JTAG cable in primary I/O drawer
(drawer 0)
3. Parallel connector
4. Keyboard connector
5. Mouse connector
6. Reserved
7. Reserved
8. PCI adapter slots (9 - 14)
9. Right power supply
10. Power cord connector for right power supply
11. Fans (mounted on front end of right power supply)
12. Right power supply, power good LED
13. SPCN2 connector
14. SPCN1 connector
15. Serial port S2*
16. Serial port S1* (Used for TTY terminal connection)
Appendix D. Cabling the System Rack and I/O Rack 51