Step3: Ethernet port connection:
Connect the Ethernet ports of the i-7540D_A, i-7540D_B and
the PC to the hub with standard network cable respectively.
Step4: CAN bus connection:
Connect the CAN ports of these two i-7540D modules by
using the following structure.
3. The i-7540D Parameters Configuration
Before starting the i-7540D gateway tests, users need to
configure the Ethernet & CAN parameters via the i-7540D Utility tool.
The details of this procedure are shown below.
Step1: The default network setting of the i-7540D is shown below.
So, before communicate with the i-7540D, you must change
the PC’s local area network same as the i-7540D.
Step2: After changing the PC’s local area network setting, you must
use the i-7540D Utility to make the “IP” of these two i-7540D
different to each other. The i-7540D Utility tool is located in
the CAN_CD:\\can\converter\i-7540\utility folder on the
companion CD-ROM or can be downloaded from the web
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway Quick Start User Guide (Version 1.2, Oct/2007) 3