Trigger Mode is also used to enable the
Ex-Trig exposure start control; enabling users to select rising or falling edge
triggering and to assign a physical input port to receive the Ex-Trig signal.
The Ex-Trig signal can be periodic or non-periodic. When the camera is
operating under control of an Ex-Trig signal, the period of the Ex-Trig signal
determines the camera’s frame rate:
1 / Ex-Trig period per second = frame rate
For example, if you are operating a camera with an Ex-Trig signal period of
20ms (0.02s):
When programmable mode is selected, the length of the exposure is
determined by the shutter setting described in “1.4.6 Shutter (Exposure)”. If
the camera is set for rising edge triggering, exposure starts when the
Ex-Trig signal rises. If the camera is set for falling edge triggering, exposure
starts when the Ex-Trig signal falls.
External Trigger The external trigger (Ex-Trig) input signal can be used to control the start of
exposure. A rising edge or a falling edge can also be used to trigger
exposure start. The External
1/0.02 = 50 fps
So in this case, the frame rate is 50fps
The minimum high time for a rising edge trigger (or low time for a falling
edge trigger) is 1us.
Exposure Modes
If you are triggering the camera with an Ex-Trig signal, two exposure modes
are available, programmable mode and level controlled mode.
Programmable Exposure Mode
Figure 1-11: Programmable Exposure with rising edge triggering
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