¾ When choose PISO-PS400
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rk in PISO er 3.0 and operation fo
Please click ‘Initial’ button for PISO-PS400 card initialization.
r AXIS_X only.
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5.3 Help – About EzVIEW_Fly 5.4 Tool Icons
Camera Scan
Click the Camera Scan icon to list the MAVIS 1394 cameras available
at the local computer.
Snap Shot
Click the SnapShot icon. A single image will appear in the Display
Video Capture
Click the Video Capture icon. A video frame will appear in the Display
Trigger Setting
Click the Trigger Setting icon to bring up the MAVIS and Motion trigger
function setting screen as 5.4.1 description.
Trigger Capture
Clicking the Trigger Capture icon. The image will appear in the Display
while MAIVS received the external trigger.
Trigger Stop
Clicking the Trigger Stop icon will disable the Trigger Capture
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