nd definitions.
The strobe delay is determined by a combination of two values. The first is
the setting in the Delay Value and the range from 0 to 4095. The second is
the Strobe Delay Time Base which has a default value of 1/1024 ms.
Strobe se)
For example: If Delay Value of Strobe 0 is set to 120, then Strobe 0 delay
will be 120/1024ms (or approximately 117us).
The Strobe delay will determine the time between the start of image
exposure and when the strobe signal changes state as show in Figure
Strobe Control
This feature allows a user to enable and parameterize up to four strobe light
control output signals. The signals are designated as Strobe 0, Strobe 1,
Strobe 2, and Strobe3. Each strobe signal can be set to on or off and active
high or low by logical value, please refer to section 5, “Function Library”, for
Delay = (Strobe Delay Value Setting) x (Strobe Delay Time Ba
Figure 1-13: Strobe Signal
As mentioned above, the strobe delay time base is normally fixed at
1/1024ms and the strobe delay is normally adjusted by changing the delay
value setting only. However, if you require a delay that is longer then what
you can achieve by changing the strobe delay value alone, the strobe delay
time base can also be changed. The strobe time base range has a
multiplier of 1 to 85.
For example: with Delay Value of Strobe 1 set to 200 and a Delay Time
Base of 20:
Strobe1 Delay = (Strobe1 Delay Value Setting) x (Strobe Delay Time Base)
Strobe1 Delay = (200) x (20/1024ms)
Strobe1 Delay = 3.9ms
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