80 ALLEN&HEATH iLive Reference Guide AP6526 iss.3
Show memories You can archive your configuration as a Show memory. Show memories overwrite all the settings.
These include all current parameters, system DSP and control configuration, all 250 Scenes and the user
preferences. Shows are stored on the TouchScreen computer within the Surface and can be transferred
between systems using a USB key.
iLive provides two types of Show memory:
Template Shows These are factory defaults to give you a quick starting point for standard applications.
Template shows cannot be deleted or modified. They can be used as a starting point for creating a User
User Shows These store your customised settings for recall later or transfer to other iLive systems. User
shows can be deleted, modified and transferred to other systems.
Important note about Firmware Versions: User Shows will not
load on iLive systems running an earlier version of firmware than the
system used to save the Show. However, Shows saved on earlier firmware
versions will load on systems running more recent firmware. If you are
working with an earlier version show we recommend that you re-archive it as a
current version show. This may add parameters that were previously
unavailable in the older version.
If you are transferring Shows between systems check that the system you are
loading into is running the same or a newer version of operating firmware.
Note: We recommend that you always keep your iLive operating firmware
up to date. Check the Allen & Heath web site for the latest version. This can
be easily downloaded and installed via USB key.
Settings stored in Show memories
Current Settings Includes all the current mix parameters, processing
parameters, preamp settings, names and colours, patching, effects, clock
source, talkback and signal generator settings, and Surface strip assignments.
Mix Configuration The way the MixRack has been configured. Includes the
current mix bus architecture, channel stereo assignments and global direct
output source.
User Preferences Several user options including Scene switch enable,
latching Talk switch, LCD value display, linking fader banks, Note that some
options are not stored in the Show. These remain with the system and include
PAFL preferences, temperature units and LCD contrast.
All Scenes The names, contents and descriptions of all the Scene memories
are stored within the Show. Recalling a Show overwrites the Scene list with
the Scenes stored in the Show being recalled.
All Libraries The user Libraries are stored within the Show. These overwrite
the current libraries on recall. Note that the User Libraries can be separately
stored to and recalled from USB memory key.
User Shows
Select All
Name (18char)
All Scenes x250
User Preferences
Mix Configuration
Current Settings
All Libraries
Current settings not stored in show memories:
Temperature Units
LCD contrast
Network Settings
PAFL Settings
Current SEL, MIX, PAFL selection
Current User
User Profiles and passwords
Event Logs
EtherSound Settings