If the download is interrupted, do not reset the module or reboot the SNMP
Management Module; doing so can corrupt the PROM and render the
module useless. Close the session and then open a new TFTP session.
Additional Device-Specific Options
The iMediaChassis series also includes device-specific options. Press the
Space Bar when in the Command List section of the Main Configuration
screen (serial configuration/Telnet session), type the name of the action, and
press Enter.
tasks Displays the task list with priorities.
memory Displays the memory usage
cleandb Removes all information in the database, except the IP address
of the device.
download Opens the Download dialog box where the firmware is located
and can be downloaded via the server address. The Server IP
Addr must be entered in the Main Configuation screen using
TFTP protocol.
version Displays the PROM version and build date
reboot Reboots the unit
sysdescr Allows the editing of sysName, sysDescr, and Port information
Allows management of Usernames/Passwords account.
Administrators must maintain a password list.
modules Displays a list of installed modules including the slot location.