Poor air efficiency

-Verify that air system has no leaks.

-Increase input pressure from air source and reset dwell to zero. From the lowest dwell setting increase the dwell until the desired velocity is achieved. (See page 5 for resetting

Impulse Operating Pressures)

Paint Breakage (paint breaking in barrel)

For accurate troubleshooting related to paint breakage, please use premium quality paintballs while troubleshooting the Impulse. Paint breakage may also be caused by other conditions including incorrect bore size in barrel, misshaped paintballs or extreme weather conditions.

For Impulses without the Vision Eye or if the Vision Eye is in Eye-Off Mode the paintball load- ing may break if the marker is fired before the paintball has fully dropped into the breech. Also, for Impulse markers without a Vision Eye, the loader feeding the marker should be motorized and have fresh batteries.

-Check that both ball detents are clean and properly holding paintball in breech.

-Verify that the Impulse is in Eye-On Mode and that the Vision Eye is correctly detecting the paintball. (See page 4 for LED Display Modes)

-Decrease input pressure from air source. Increase the dwell until the desired velocity is achieved. (See page 5 for increasing dwell)

Bolt remains forward when gun is fired

-Verify that a paintball is in the breech when the Impulse is fired.

-Reset dwell and increase until the desired velocity is achieved. (See page 5 for resetting Impulse Operating Pressures)

Technical Support

For additional technical support please visit our web page at www.smartparts.com. Our technical support department is open Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) and can be reached at (724) 539-2660.

ImpulseTM Limited Warranty

Smart Parts warrants for 1 year, to initial retail purchaser, that the ImpulseTM paintball marker and regulator are free from defects in materials and workmanship. Disposable parts (batteries, o-rings, seals, springs, gauges. ball detents, etc) are not warranted. The valve and hammer assembly are warranted for six months. The solenoid and electronics on your ImpulseTM are unconditionally warranted for six months, plus an additional warranty of six months for electronic parts only (installation and labor are not included.) This warranty does not cover surface damages (scratch- es and nicks,) misuse, or improper disassembly and re-assembly, or attempts made to drill holes or remove metal from the external surfaces, which could result in degrading the performance and reducing pressure safety factors. Do not make changes to the basic marker parts without written approval. The only authorized lubricant for the marker is DOW 33 Lubricant. Use of any other lubricant could result in voiding your warranty. Use only "on/off" switches purchased from Smart Parts. Unauthorized "on/off" switches will void this warranty. Paintball markers are non-refundable. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement of defective parts with the customer to pay shipping costs. This warranty is effective only if the customer returns the warranty registration card enclosed with the marker. The warranty is non-trans- ferable. Do not attempt to alter the trigger assembly in any way, as this will void your Smart Parts warranty.

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Impulse hammer drill operating instructions Technical Support, Poor air efficiency, Paint Breakage paint breaking in barrel