Mind Game – In this brai n game the objective is to
keep track of how many thoughts a re in the profes-
sor’s head. The professor will te ll you how many
thoughts he has in his head at the b eginning. You
must add and subtract the tho ughts (!) as they en ter
and exit his head, ending up wit h a final count at
the end. You must then input the answe r using the
correct correspondi ng number keys on the key pad.
After completing the exerci se, the game will displ ay
how many you got correct.
Word Hunt – In this brain ga me your objective it to
use the letters the game give s you to make words.
At the top of the screen you will be show n your word
and the total number of words tha t can be formed out
of that word. Each letter corr esponds to the key pad
button below. To select a letter, press t he key pad
button below that is aligne d underneath it. To dese-
lect, press the button tha t is aligned with the let ter in
the original word. After co mpleting the exercise, t he
game will display how many you got co rrect.
Recall – In this brain ga me you must recall a cer tain
number of words after a peri od of time. This game
will present you with a number of d ifferent words to
memorize. After a period of ti me goes by you will
be taken to the next brain game to re turn later. After
you have completed the other bra in games, you will
return and be given an oppor tunity to recall as ma ny
of those words as possible. Th e game will give you
the beginning letter and e nding letter of the word a s
a hint. Use the ENTER button to put a c heck next
to the words you recall based on th e letters given.
Scroll up and down with the SCROL L buttons. The
display screen will show you how m any existing
words still need to be checked. R emember not all
words are from your list, so onl y check the ones you
know. After completing the exerc ise, the game will
display how many you got correc t.
SCORE – Choose SCORE from the M ain Menu. The
score option keeps a tally of eve ry BRAINCHECK
session played. This is a gre at way to measure your
progress over time. After ea ch BRAINCHECK ses sion
is played, an average (or perc entage) is measu red
based on all 5 brain games th at were played. These
are recorded in the SCORE se ction. A bar chart i s
shown that represents how wel l you brain has flexed
its muscle. The more you prac tice the exercises in
TRAINING the stronger you r brain’s muscle will be for
your BRAINCHECK testing.
SOUND – Choose SOUND from th e Main Menu to
adjust the volume of the sound hi gher or lower using
the SCROLL buttons on the key pad.
CONTRAST – Choose CONTR AST from the Main
Menu to adjust the brightnes s of the screen using th e
SCROLL buttons on the key pad.
MEMORY – Choose MEMORY from th e Main Menu
to clear all of your scoring info rmation that is store d in
Brain Games. You will be prompted to c onfirm whether
you wish to clear out all of the MEMO RY. Select Yes
or No and then press ENTER. O nce you clear the
memory it can not be recover ed.
SLEEP MODE – The unit will go to s leep if no buttons
are pressed within 5 minute s, and can be awakened by
pressing the button “ON - ENT ER”.
This game is powered by two (2 ) AAA (LR0 3) batteries.
• Using a screwdriver, loosen th e screw until the bat-
tery compartment doo r can be removed.
Insert two (2) AA A (LR03) bat teries (we recomme nd
alkaline) as indicated i nside the battery c ompartment.
• Replace the battery c ompartment door a nd tighten
the screw with a screwdriver. Do not over-ti ghten.
• As with all small ba tteries, the b atteries us ed with
this device should b e kept away from sma ll chil-
dren who might stil l put things in th eir mouths.
If a battery is swall owed, consult a p hysician
• Be sure you insert t he battery c orrectly an d
always follow the devi ce and batter y manufactu r-
er’s instruction s.
• Do not dispose of bat teries in fire.
• Batteries migh t leak if improp erly install ed, or
explode if recharg ed, disasse mbled or heated .
• Sometimes, a buil d-up of stati c electricit y (from
carpets, etc) may c ause the game to s top work-
ing. Just reset the g ame, and it will wo rk again.
• In an environment w ith radio freq uency inter fer-
ence, the product ma y malfunctio n and require
user to reset the prod uct.
• Handle this device caref ully.
• Store this device away from dus ty or dirty areas .
• Keep this device away from mois ture or extreme
• Do not disassemble this d evice. If a problem occ urs,
press the Reset button, or r emove and replace the
batteries to reset the devic e, or try new batteri es. If
problems persist, con sult the warranty in formation
located at the end of this instr uction manual.
• Use only the recommende d battery type.
• Do not mix old and new batteri es.
• Do not mix alkaline, stand ard (carbon-zinc ) or re-
chargeable (nickel- cadmium) batter ies.
• Do not use rechargeabl e batteries.
Do not attempt to recharge non -rechargeabl e batteries.
• Remove any exhausted batte ries from the device.
• Do not short-circuit th e supply terminals .
• Insert batteries wi th the correct pola rity.
Please retain thi s for future refe rence.
This device complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules. Op-
eration is subject to the foll owing two conditions : (1) this
device may not cause harmful i nterference and ( 2) this
device must accept any inter ference received , including
interference that may cau se undesired oper ation.
WARNING: Changes or m odifications to this un it
not expressly approved by the p arty responsib le for
compliance could void the us er’s authority to oper ate
the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment h as been tested and foun d
to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits
are designed to provide reas onable protectio n against
harmful interference i n a residential inst allation. This
equipment generates, u ses and can radiate rad io fre-
quency energy and if not inst alled and used in acc ord-
ance with the instruction s, may cause harmful in terfer-
ence to radio communicatio ns. However, there is no
guarantee that interfer ence will not occur in a pa rticular
installation. If this equi pment does cause ha rmful
interference to radio or tel evision reception , which can
be determined by turning the e quipment off and on, t he
user is encouraged to try to c orrect the inter ference by
one or more of the following meas ures:
• Reorient or relocate the r eceiving antenna .
• Increase the separati on between the equip ment and
• Connect the equipment i nto an outlet on a circuit d if-
ferent from that to which the re ceiver is connected .
• Consult the dealer or an ex perienced radio T V techni-
cian for help.
The consumer has a signific ant role to play in reduci ng
the impact of waste electric al and electronic eq uipment
on the environment, throug h re-using or recycl ing such
The crossed out wheelie -bin symbol on this pr oduct
is to remind you that Waste Electri cal and Electronic
products should not be disp osed of with househo ld
waste. If you are unable to re-us e or recycle your prod-
uct it should be disposed of a t a civic amenity site.
While Radica toys comply with a ll relevant safety
standards, we are obliged to t ell you that some of the
components used in elec trical and electro nic equip-
ment may contain hazardo us substances that c an
damage the environment and p resent a risk to human
health if not properly disp osed of.
(This product war ranty is vali d in the United St ates
and Canada only)
Radica Games Limited warr ants this product fo r a pe-
riod of 90 days from the origina l purchase date unde r
normal use against defec tive workmanship and m ateri-
als (batteries exclude d). This warrant y does not cover
damage resulting from acc ident, unreasona ble use,
negligence, improper s ervice or other cau ses not aris-
ing out of defects in material o r workmanship. Radi ca
Games Limited will not be liab le for any costs incurr ed
due to loss of use of this product o r other incidental o r
consequential costs, ex penses or damages i ncurred by
the purchaser. Some states do no t allow the exclusion
or limitation of incidenta l or consequential d amages, so
the above limitations may not app ly to you. This war-
ranty gives you specific leg al rights and you may als o
have other legal rights, whic h vary from state to state .
During this 90-day warr anty period, the gam e will either
be repaired or replaced ( at our option) witho ut charge
to the purchaser when retur ned prepaid with pro of of
date of purchase to: Radic a USA, Ltd., 1362 8-A Beta
Road, Dallas, Texas 7524 4, USA. Please rem ove the
batteries and wrap the uni t carefully before sh ipping.
Please include a brief desc ription of the proble m along
with your return address and m ail it postage prep aid.
IMPORTANT: Before returning t he unit for repair, test
it with fresh alkaline batt eries. Even new batter ies
may be defective or weak and low bat tery power is a
frequent cause of unsatis factory operati on.
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510