Dear Brain Gamers ,
I am delighted that you are one of th e millions of
people who want to keep their min ds sharp and have
fun doing it. After two deca des studying how we can
improve memory and prevent A lzheimer’s disease, I
have found there is a lot we can do. Gene tics accounts
for only about a third of what dete rmines our health
as we age – that means that simple , everyday lifestyl e
choices have a major impact on o ur memory and brai n
fitness. My books, The Memo ry Bible, The Memor y
Prescription, and The Long evity Bible, detail my s trate-
gies – physical and mental exe rcise, stress redu ction
techniques, the Healthy Br ain Diet, and more – to boo st
your brain power and live longe r, better. However, you
are well on your way to boosting your b rain power by
playing Brain Games.
Brain Games will teach you my b asic memory tech -
nique – Look, Snap, Connect – and he lp you perfect
these strategies. Besid es being fun to play, Brain
Games will help your memor y abilities improve al most
immediately. You will also “cross-tr ain” your brain with
left-brain (verbal mem ory and logical sk ills – e.g., writ-
ing letters) and right-b rain (visual memo ry and mental
skills – e.g., reading maps) ga mes. Brain Games l ets
you monitor your progress, wh ile setting and incr easing
a pace that works for your memor y ability as you train
your brain and gauge your imp rovement.
You can use Look, Snap, Connect for ever yday memory
tasks (lists, errands , names and faces) a nd build on
this basic technique to beco me a memory champi on.
First master the basic skil l:
Look – learn to focus your atte ntion on the new
information you wish to remem ber. Slow down, take
a deep breath, and ignore dis tractions.
Snap – create a mental snap shot or visual image
in your mind’s eye of what you want to rememb er.
Make it personal and give it det ail to help fix it into
your memory.
Connect – link up your menta l snapshots in you
mind’s eye. This association ste p helps put the new
memories into context and he lps you retrieve them
later when you need them.
To remember a list of errands, cr eate a story using
Look, Snap, Connect: You need to stop at th e store to
get some aspirin and a hair br ush before you meet you r
sister. In your mind’s eye, you see your siste r taking
some aspirin and then bru shing her hair.
For learning and recallin g names and faces, thi nk
up a Name Snap and a Face Snap – th en Connect
these mental pictures or S naps together. Thinking of
a visual image or Snap for a nam e can be easy: See
a house for Mr. House, a gold coin for Ms . Gold, or a
carnival worker for Mrs. Car ney. For more complex
names, combine visual wor ds that sound like the
name – see Mr. Domachow eating ch icken chow mein
under a dome. For a face snap, look f or a distinguish-
ing feature and then connec t it to the name snap. If
Mrs. Washington has promin ent lips, see her kiss ing
George Washington on the lips . At first it may seem a
bit wacky; however, you’ll not only have fun b ut you’ll
improve your everyday memor y skills. Remembe r-
ing names and faces is the mos t common memory
Our research group at UCL A has studied the eff ective-
ness of Look, Snap, Connect, alon g with other lifestyl e
strategies that improve mem ory and brain heal th. We
found that after only two week s, these technique s have
a significant effect on me mory performa nce scores
and dramatically increa se brain efficien cy. The more
you play Brain Games, the bet ter you’ll get at it and the
more brain power you’ll have.
To find out more about the creation of B rain Games,
visit www.drgar and w ww.brains torm-
Have fun,
Dr. Gary Small

Ready to Cross-Train Your Brain !

Brain Games is a mind stimula ting activity for you r
brain. It’s time to test yourself ! Whether you choos e to
enter the training sessio n or jump right into the BR AIN-
CHECK mode, Brain Games will b e sure to challenge
your mind in several differe nt ways.


ON / START / ENTER – Press the ON but ton to power
on the game. By using the SCROLL b uttons on the far
right of the key pad, toggle throug h the different game
modes. Once your mode is high lighted, press ENTE R
to select. Next, select the s kill level at which you wis h
to play at. Press ENTER to start t he game and confirm
NEW GAME – Press this but ton for two seconds to qui t
your current game, and sele ct your choice of modes .
END ROUND – This allows you to end the c urrent game
and calculates the score up to th at point. This may be
most useful in the Word Hunt game w hen you can not
think of any more words, but ther e is still time remain-
ing. Or Recall when you have alre ady memorized
words and there is still time re maining.
NEW GAME – This allows you to canc el the current
game and return to the Main Menu . If selected during
Braincheck mode, it will ca ncel your score for tha t
KEY PAD – Press these buttons w hen playing each of
the exercises. The various key s will work in differen t
ways with each of the games. Most o f the time, they
will represent the same layo ut as shown on screen
or correspond to the number s at the bottom of the
UNDO – In some games you can use t his button to
reverse or UNDO a selection , prior to pressing EN TER.
RESET – When a blunt point is i nserted, this but ton will
RESET the game to its origina l factory setting s.


BRAINCHECK – Select B RAINCHECK from the M ain
Menu to start your daily exerc ise program. Choos e
the skill level you wish to play at, an d that’s it! Brain
Games will now run you through t he 5 different exer-
cises (described bel ow) of your routine. Thi s is the
mode that you will be tested in and th at will record your
score. You can check this in the SCOR E mode (see
below). Remember to use th e Look, Snap, Connec t
TRAINING – This is where y ou can train or practi ce the
different brain games w ithout affecting yo ur score. Af-
ter pressing the START button, se lect TRAINING. U se
the SCROLL buttons to toggle thr ough the five differe nt
exercises (Sequence, F lashcard, Mind Gam e, Word
Hunt, and Recall) and pre ss Enter to select. Nex t,
choose the skill level you wish to p lay at. You are now
ready to start your trainin g session.
Sequence – In this bra in game your objective i s to
put the random numbers in th e grid into the proper
sequence or order (lowe st to highest). The n umbers
in the top row of the grid correspo nd to the places
of the buttons in the top row of the key pad. T he
numbers in the second row of th e grid correspond to
the places of the buttons in the s econd row of the key
pad. If you select a number out of s equence an X will
appear, and you will continue onto t he next grid. If
the sequence is correct, a c heck will appear. Ther e
will be several grids in each ga me. After completi ng
the exercise, the game will disp lay how many you got
Flashcard – In this br ain game your object ive is to
add, subtract, multiply or di vide the numbers tha t the
exercise gives you. You must answer the e quation
with the correct answer usi ng the key pads that align
with the number bar at the botto m of the screen.
Each question is timed. The h igher the skill level, th e
harder the equation. Afte r completing the exerc ise,
the game will display how many you g ot correct.
MODEL 77038
For 1 player / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823-A7100-106 Rev.A
UNDO Reset