26 Service Search
Manual search
You may choose to search only services of a specific trans- ponder because more than one service are provided via each transponder. To do that, set the Search Mode option to Man- ual, and then at the Channel option select your desired trans- ponder. The number ranges from 6 to 12 in VHF and 28 to 69 in UHF.
Start search
To start service search, select the Start Search item; then a list box appears, in which found services will be listed. When it has completed, press the button to save found services .
To stop at any time or to exit without saving, press the EXIT button.
4.2Resetting to factory settings
You can reset all data of the digital receiver. To do that, se- lect the Installation > Factory Setting menu, and then you are asked for confirmation. If you select Yes, service entries, favourite entries and timer events will all be deleted, and pref- erence options will be reset to the manufacturer’s factory set- tings.
Doing a factory reset will not delete any recorded items on the hard disk drive.