44 Recordingand Playing
5. Set the Date option to the desired date, on which
the digital receiver will turn on. The date format is
day/month/year-dayof the week.
Setthe Star t Time option to a desired time, at which the
recordingwill be started. The time format is hour:minute.
6. Set the Duration option to a desired time, in which the
recordingwill be finished.
7. Pressing the
OK button on the File Name option dis-
playsthe on-screen keyboard, with which you can spec-
ify a file name for the timer recording. Ifyou do not
specify anything, it will be named after the service
name. See § 6.2 for how to use the on-screen keyboard.
8. To set a timer recording with the above settings, select
the OK option; otherwise, it will not be saved and will
Youcan also edit or delete timer events in the timer list.
Toedit a timer entry, put the highlight bar on the entry you
want and press
OK button; then appears a box in which you
can change its settings in the same manner as making a new
Todelete a timer event, put the highlight bar on the entry you
wantto remove and press the button; then you areasked
forconfirmation. Ifyou select Yes, it will be deleted.