Fruits and Vegetables
Food Preparation Blanching
Time Wrapping Storage
(months) Thawing Time
Apples and Pears Peel and cut into slices. 2’ In Containers (cover
with syrup) 12 In refrigerator very
Apricots, Peaches,
Cherries and Plums Peel and pit. 1’ / 2’ In Containers (cover
with syrup) 12 In refrigerator very
Blackberries and
Rinse and fry. In Containers (cover
with sugar) 10 / 12 In refrigerator very
Cooked Fruit Cut, cook and strain. In Containers (add
10% sugar) 12 In refrigerator very
Fruit Juice Wash, cut and crush. In Containers (sugar
to taste) 10 / 12 In refrigerato r very
Remove leaves, cut head
into small pieces and blanch
in water and a little lemon
2’ Plastic Baggies 12 Not required.
Cabbage and
Brussel Sprouts
Wash and cut into small
pieces. 1’ / 2’ Plastic Baggies 10 / 12 At room temperature.
Peas Shell and wash. 2’ Plastic Baggies 12 Not required.
French Beans Wash and slice if required. 2 Plastic Baggies 10 / 12 Not required.
Carrots, Peppers
and Turnips
Peel, wash and slice if
necessary. 3’ / 4’ Plastic Baggies 12 Not required.
Mushrooms and
Asparagus Wash, peel and cut up. 3’ / 4’ Plastic Baggies or
Containers 6 At room temperature.
Spinach Wash and mince. 2’ Plastic Baggies 12 At room temperature.
Vegetable for Soups Wash and cut up in small
pieces. 3’ Plastic Baggies or
Containers 6 / 7 Not required.
Various Foods Preparation Blanching
Time Wrapping Storage
(months) Thawing time
Bread Plastic Baggies 4 At room temperature
and in the oven.
Cakes Plastic Baggies 6
About 10 minutes at
room temperature,
cook at 100/200°C.
Cream Plastic Containers 6 At room temperature or
in refrigerator.
Butter In original wrapping
or tinfoil 6 In refrigerator.
Boiled Food or
Vegetable Soup
Plastic or Glass
Containers 3 / 6 At room temperature or
in hot water.
Eggs Freeze without shells
in small conta iners 10 At room temperature or
in refrigerator.